OSINT Footprinting Cheat Sheet

Jun Takemura · November 20, 2024

OSINT Footprinting Cheat Sheet


This cheat sheet provides a step-by-step methodology, tools, and techniques for effective OSINT-based reconnaissance.

What is OSINT?

OSINT stands for Open Source Intelligence and it’s basically passive recon using public information. It could include some legal active recon like reaching out to the target via email or forum, but many people use the terms almost interchangeably.

Methodology Overview

We start from an outer layer, infrastructure, then inner layers, host-based, and finally OS-based.

1. Infrastructure-Level Enumeration

Focus on understanding the target’s network, domain registrations, IP ranges, and dependencies.

Techniques and Tools

DNS Enumeration: Fetch all DNS records for a domain:

dig example.com ANY

Find subdomains:

sublist3r -d example.com
amass enum -d example.com

Reverse DNS lookup for an IP:

dig -x <IP>

Whois Lookups: Retrieve domain registration details:

whois example.com

Tools for automation: RDAP, WhoisXML.

IP Address and ASN Mapping: Identify IP ranges and ASNs with:

curl https://api.ipinfo.io/<IP>

Online tools: BgpView, Hurricane Electric.

SSL/TLS Analysis: Check SSL certificates for subdomains:

curl -s https://crt.sh/?q=example.com | grep example.com

Tools: SSL Labs, sslscan.

Filter them by the unique subdomains:

curl -s https://crt.sh/\?q\=example.com\&output\=json | jq . | grep name | cut -d":" -f2 | grep -v "CN=" | cut -d'"' -f2 | awk '{gsub(/\\n/,"\n");}1;' | sort -u > subdomain.txt

Identify the hosts that aren’t hosted by third-party providers:

$ for i in $(cat subdomain.txt);do host $i | grep "has address" | grep inlanefreight.com | cut -d" " -f1,4;done > subdomain.txt

Cloud Tools: Domains.glass, GrayHatWarfare

2. Host-Based Enumeration

Focus on identifying specific systems and their running services.

Techniques and Tools

Service Identification: Find exposed services using Shodan:

shodan search "hostname:example.com"

Find from the local list:

$ for i in $(cat subdomain.txt);do host $i | grep "has address" | grep example.com | cut -d" " -f4 >> ip-address.txt;done
$ for i in $(cat ip-address.txt);do shodan host $i;done

Search for vulnerable services on Censys:

censys search "80.http.get.headers.server: Apache"

Passive Port Scanning: Query known public databases: Tools: GreyNoise, Onyphe.

Metadata Extraction: Extract metadata from public files:

exiftool document.pdf

Use FOCA for bulk metadata analysis of publicly hosted documents.

Vulnerability Search: Identify vulnerabilities in exposed services:

searchsploit apache 2.4.49

Online tools: Exploit-DB, Vulners.

3. OS-Based Enumeration

Identify operating systems on specific hosts using public information. Note that this is considered active recon though it’s legal as long as the target domain is public.

Techniques and Tools

Web Application Fingerprinting: Analyze technologies to infer the OS:
Tools: BuiltWith, Wappalyzer.

Metadata Analysis: Check document metadata for OS mentions:

exiftool *.docx

Other Techniques

Search Public Git Repositories: Look for sensitive files (e.g., docker-compose.yml):

github-dorks "org:example filename:docker-compose.yml"

Search Social Media: Gather technical insights from employee posts.

LinkedIn: Use Hunter.io or Socilion.
Twitter: Use Twint or Social Bearing.

You can find many other tools for other social media from OSINT Framework.

Passive DNS History: Use Passive DNS services.

Tools: PassiveTotal, SecurityTrails.

Chain of Custody

For the gathered data to be admissible in court, you must keep track of the chain of custody. This mean you must log:
Who collected it.
How and when it was collected.
How it was stored and accessed.
Who has had control of it at any given time.

And the log needs to be forensically sound, no possibility of tampering.

Logging and Reporting Tools:
Forensic-grade, web-based data capturing.

Anti Tamper
I made this tool to make files tamper-evident. Note that this doesn’t meet strict forensic requirements.

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